Shifting to a New Earth

unity consciousness New Earth

Is unity consciousness a utopian fantasy or can it be a living reality?

Terms such as unity consciousness can be used so often that they lose their true meaning. When this happens, we begin to project our hopes or our fears onto these terms. The term “unity consciousness” tends to become this larger-than-life reality, a peak experience that we are always meant to reside in.

But it doesn’t have to feel so unattainable. 

What is Unity Consciousness?

Unity consciousness is the equilibrium within the body-mind. It’s when the hemispheres within our body have come to a stabilized state. Through this equalized state, we achieve enlightenment: aka, unity consciousness.

Enlightenment is when we have awakened to the level of consciousness known as oneness. Oneness is the fully illuminated state of awareness that we are all source. Everything is source. Everything is the one experiencing itself as the many.

Enlightenment is the realization that there are differentiations of consciousness that have opted into specific realities that place limitations on consciousnesses to allow them, us, to have certain experiences that we would not otherwise have access to. We are all god in different costumes: even the trees and rocks and even non-material energy or matter! We are all ambassadors on behalf of ourselves that go into these realities to explore our own wholeness through our unique individuated expression.

Enlightenment is usually perceived as a peak state. It is the idea that we experience this reality through a heightened or trans-state of bliss. It is the perception that enlightenment is some omnidirectional Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind that is stripped of all humanity, void of volatility or strife. This perception projects this heightened state as only attainable in another dimension. We believe that we cannot equalize these higher states of consciousness into this reality. This understanding of enlightenment leaves the attainment of it on an unstable pedestal.

In truth, unity consciousness is our next evolutionary step IN THIS REALITY! It is the next, natural byproduct of our collective states of higher consciousness. It is not a utopia where nothing goes wrong and everyone flies around all the time. It is the natural cycles that consciousness goes through. We are not blocked or withheld from unity consciousness, it’s our natural, gradual evolutionary process.

How Unity Consciousness Works…

Yes, you have to anchor into higher dimensional consciousness first. Once a being does this, they are able to manifest this higher dimensional consciousness on a lower level of consciousness. 

We already have unified consciousness that is being anchored into this reality by awakening beings. Unity consciousness is already happening and we’re anchoring that level of being in here. Our actions then create that manifestation. Our actions set up the reality where we’re in reality consciousness, which has nothing to do with a fantasy utopia. Rather than an a-to-z transition, unity consciousness is awakening in the now moment to the fact that we are actually source consciousness.

Living in Unity Consciousness

The reality is that living in a unified conscious state doesn’t mean there will be no problems, no contrast, and no tension within opposites to create. There always has to be a catalyst for creation. Right now, that catalyst is karma. Karma has been the recycling factor as to why we’re not at higher levels of consciousness. It will keep drawing us back until we resolve unprocessed trauma.

Even in higher states of consciousness, there is still going to be karma. It will play a different role. In lower states of consciousness, how we operate by default is that karma acts as a little voice, “Ok, you didn’t awaken to unity consciousness, so here are experiences to wake you up to oneness.” Through experiences and interactions with others, karma shows you where you have imbalances of what still needs to be processed to awaken into unity consciousness. 

We typically look at this role of karma as the “bad guy” who’s telling us, “You get what you deserve.” What karma is actually doing for us, whether it shows up as the bad guy or the good guy, is providing an experience where we can have a realization, “Oh, that other person is you!” Have you experienced what the other person has felt because of you and vice versa?” Karma is that catalyst to takes us from our current state into unity consciousness. This cycle of karma will continue to repeat until the refinement is pure enough that we blossom into the state of unity consciousness.

In a higher state of consciousness, karma becomes the oppositional catalyst that pushes us further into our Dharma. Karma still exists, it is now playing a more exalted role. Experiences become less harsh because of our level of awareness. We don’t have to be shaken so violently. 

There is, of course, going to still be challenges because karma will continue to push us into our Dharma. 

With enlightenment, the collective community operating from this state of being will still experience challenges and oppositional forces, but they are not coming from the density of an unconscious sleep state. Without that experience, we can only surmise from our dense reality what it will be like, and therefore we get a little lost on what it will actually look like.

What Gets in the Way of Unity Consciousness

Our expectation! Because what we perceive are the steps between our current reality and this heavenly realm are so lofty. We expect too much from a different dimension that we want to bring into here. We expect too much of ourselves to be able to maintain this lofty state. From our fear, we have a false perception of what that different dimension actually looks like and how we access it.

Our belief that in unity consciousness there are no problems also gets in the way of us accessing unity consciousness. Assuming that evolution means that there are no problems is simply not true. When we operate from believing that there are no problems, we then believe that unity consciousness is some “la la fairy tale.” 

We can get stuck in polarization such as the belief that we are either experiencing synthetic social engineering or organic unprocessed wounding, which leads us to being further entrenched in the illusion that we are separate from source consciousness.

In truth, these two paradigms act as inverted mirrors of one another are used as collective karma in order for us to evolve or devolve. 

We can consciously apply nuance to the fact that what we may see in the external world is social engineering and therefore a reflection of an organic process that’s happening within our collective psyche. The nuanced view allows us to see the truth that it’s not all social engineering and it’s not all organic process. These opposing views are the perfect example of the high stakes that we get placed in between that polarize our consciousness. Regardless of which side we get stuck in, this polarized belief further separates us from source consciousness.

In our fear, we place the idea of unity consciousness so far away from us. We believe that it’s a peak state that is somehow fully sustained all the time. In this erratic thinking, we don’t believe that it’s possible to have a stabilized form of unity consciousness where there’s still going to be growth and levels of karma that catapult us further into Dharma. It’s like “the buck stops with enlightenment,” and that’s simply not true.

Paradigm blindness happens when we are blinded or blocked off from the ability to envision what a collective experience of unity consciousness would be like. We cannot fathom what those trials and challenges would be like, so we, instead, picture a one-dimensional heavenly realm.

We can also get sucked into a cycle of disconnect from unity consciousness when trauma in the nervous system recycles itself. This is karma that is not resolving, which causes us to not access higher-order thinking.

Healing is the Way

How we get out of this cycle of karma and allow ourselves to access higher-order thinking is through healing. Healing is a huge theme within the spirit of this age and  takes place on all energy levels, but particularly the nervous system.

The nervous system cannot perceive beyond its level of perception. So, in a traumatic state, it’s not going to be able to perceive beyond that traumatic state.

The nervous system being healed beyond a traumatic state is something that spiritually awakened people are highly aware of because healing and awakening go hand in hand. The more a being heals their nervous system’s response of fight, flight, or freeze, what they’re actually doing is being able to access new versions of reality. All of the work of trauma awareness and healing is the work that brings us into unity consciousness.

Unity Consciousness is not the End

Many believe that unity consciousness is the final form, a peak experience that is the end of growth. This is simply not true. Growth happens in the next evolution, which is enlightenment.

There are others that are dreaming up a New Earth, having us transform into a Gold Age from an Iron Age rather than understanding that we must grow through the natural order of iron to bronze to silver to gold. 

We can see this illustrated in the Hindu cosmology of yugas. First, we have Kali Yuga, which we are in, then Dwarapa, Treta, and ultimately we reach Satya.

The hope in the truth of unity consciousness is that it is a process and there’s room for growth. We might fear that growth will always feel like Kali Yuga, that karma monkey shaking us violently, when, as we grow through the natural order of conscious awakening, we will experience different forms of catalysts, ones that become less terrorizing the more we are enlightened. 

With each age comes the honor of having experiences that can only be accessed within that level of consciousness.

When we’re in unity consciousness, there is no finality to it. The new era simply becomes the new standard, consciousness’s baseline from which we continue to carry out our own evolution.

Without the context of ages or yugas, we can simply appreciate the fact that consciousness goes through different phases. When consciousness is in one phase, certain themes and dynamics will be played out different from those that will be experienced in another phase.

When we’re at a certain level of consciousness, all of this may seem to woo because it takes so many phases of consciousness before we are able to draw the golden age into our manifested reality.

To compensate for this, matter and spirit meet in the middle. In this new age that we’re in, we’re harnessing higher levels of consciousness into this physical realm for the specific purpose of bringing into this reality a viable, sustainable level of being in a state of oneness. We’re working toward the balance of hemispheres.

Unity Consciousness Actualized

The state of oneness is still aware of differentiation. It does not surrender its sovereignty, nor its discernment to the one. It is not like a borg collective of unified thought, action, and creation.

Rather, it is a state of unique expression and individuality, one where each being is understood and appreciated more in their unique contribution to the whole. Their individual nature and innovation add to the unified whole.

This is how unity consciousness creates a New Earth, by each being learning to live from their authentic nature, utilizing their own individual talents, and expressing their distinct creative freedom. You cannot have a reality that is out of alignment when the people who make up that reality are in alignment with their own highest potential

This is what a collective of beings operating from unity consciousness looks like. It is not a restrictive, assimilated group thing, but rather the holistic intelligence of an awakened being.

Dharma Through Karma

Instead of looking at unity consciousness as this psychosis that’s being dreamed up in the astral, we can see that it is the ascent of individual consciousness through their own karma to discover their dharma.

As we face and break our karma cycle, we access higher levels of enlightenment. This is not some lofty, off-planet heaven, but a reality that we bring forth from the quantum realm through our awakening. 

No step can be skipped. We must go through each phase of purification, and we are here to do that in this human form, through our unique expression and connecting to our unique truth. 

The creative outpouring of an individuated experience awakens and enlightens. The whole purpose of our reality’s illusion of separateness is to find unique expressions, expanding possibility rather than narrowing the expression of creative source energy. Through unique individuated expressions, unity consciousness expands the array of how it manifests itself.

Our healing and our expression lead to the balancing of hemispheres. The more individuals that access their own internal balance and alignment, the closer we get to shifting into a New Earth.


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