The False Light Deception: What is the False Light?

what is the false light?

Out of all of the bleak concepts that spirituality contains, the “false light” is by far the most unsettling.

There are many concepts, ideologies, and belief systems that we face in this reality that can derail us from our true nature as divine creator beings. The false light would seek to lead us astray. It feeds off our energy to maintain its own fragmented dimension. 

The fourth dimension, which encompasses our third-dimensional experience, contains the largest bandwidth of all the dimensions, including all the lower astral planes. Within those planes, many different belief systems exist, such as Masonic and religious themes that are then projected into our third dimension. We see them played out in institutions, religions, technology, art, philosophy, family dynamics, societal structures, and pretty much anywhere we see extreme polarity or a theme of worship. These themes can be distilled into the narrative of good vs evil. Of course, this theme goes beyond the fourth dimension, but we see it playing out in a dense level within the fourth dimension.

This cosmic drama emanates from what can be described as a fractured or synthetic light, but is more well-known through the ages as the “false light.”

What is the False Light?

The reason that it is a “false” light is because this light does not emanate from pure source consciousness. It comes from a fragmented section of consciousness. This fragmented section created its own domain or battleground where the drama of good versus evil is projected.

The angels and demons and gods that battle one another in this dimension believe they are opposing forces. In truth, they are actually mirroring one another’s lack of integration, reflecting fragmentation back to one another. These battling forces have severed their consciousness into extreme polarities of righteousness.

The battle that is happening in the fragmented consciousness on the fourth-dimensional realm gets siphoned when the third-dimensional consciousness, our consciousness, plays out this saga through our belief systems. This fragment of consciousness can use any arena from religion to art to technology in order to harvest our soul essence so that it continues to have the life force it needs to generate this false domain. 

The danger with the false light is that it operates in its separate domain as a fragmented consciousness that believes it is functioning in a peak state.

Therefore, as we raise our consciousness and realize that this dichotomy is not the peak state, it becomes imperative that we cultivate discernment in order to recognize the false light at work in our world and in ourselves. This discernment can feel like waking up from a dream when you have to determine whether you’ve actually woken up or are still in a dream within a dream.

What Purpose Does the False Light Serve?

In its highest form, the false light can serve to do exactly this, wake us up. The false light is a stern and challenging right of passage into our own spiritual sovereignty. We can only do this as we cultivate the discernment at every different level that the false light is manifesting otherwise, we will reincarnate again into the false light at infinitum.

The false light seeks to keep souls stuck in the cycle of samsara. It serves the false light for us to remain stuck in its fractured realm. The false light, believing it’s functioning in its highest purpose, serves only itself. We mirror this through self-righteousness. When we believe we are achieving enlightenment, attaining salvation through worship and righteousness, the false light is fed off our mirroring of its fractured state. Souls remain stuck because they have not cultivated the spiritual sovereignty, discernment, and emotional intelligence in order to see the false light in all of its manifestations within the world and within themselves.

Witnessing the false light for what it is helps us develop discernment, but this is a process that continues to challenge us as we access more enlightened states. The false light is tricky, adapting to our new level of “wokeness,” presenting us with new forms of the false light to draw us back in. 

When we overcome these, we strengthen our discernment. When we are able to cultivate this discernment, we ascend all of the different aspects within our energy field into their whole, unified, and integrated form.


The false light operates from a place of polarity, but this polarity can be seen, really, as two sides of the same coin.

It can be easy to confuse this polarity with duality. But, duality is a concept of nature, of opposites that define one another. It is not in and of itself wrong. We gain much through our experience of duality.

To illustrate more, the false light is an extreme polarization that comes from this capsulated dimension. The characteristics of this false light are extreme polarization, extreme fragmentation, inversion of truth, ego, worship, and a militant form of hierarchy.

Mirrors of the False Light in the Third Dimension

This militant hierarchy is what our military, industrial complex emanates from. These hierarchies seem to go through initiation processes that give the illusion of moving higher up a proverbial ladder when they actually function more like a labyrinth, an endless ladder that does not lead to any form of enlightenment. 

You may notice that those who are stuck in this labyrinth believe they are ascending, but are ultimately following a path of rank and initiation that leads to a more inflated ego state. 

That’s not to say that hierarchy is bad, again, the false light will look like “light,” but with a twist. This militant hierarchy is void of organic and aligned hierarchy. Through our awakening, we can use our spiritual discernment to recognize a false light structure. This militant hierarchy is one of the hallmark signatures of there being a false light structure.

The Fake Jesus

In addition to this militant hierarchy, another sign of the false light is individuals masquerading as light teachers. Like a fake Jesus.

This fake Jesus archetype can catch those on a spiritual ascension path off guard. One may be well aware of the militant hierarchy structure and have removed themself from this system of control only to find themselves following a false light leader.

There are many forms this can take on including fake Budah, fake Hathor, fake Zeus, and more, but essentially this is the wolf in sheep's clothing. A false light demon has put on a Halloween costume to imitate a true light teacher.

These false light teachers prey upon people who have hit rock bottom because they have very little discernment, but still need a connection to a higher power. They can come in when a person is caught up in a dark night of the soul which. These fake ascendant masters will prey upon the weakness of the state of this person who has hit rock bottom.

For those who want to find further enlightenment, but have yet to discover the enlightenment within, these false spiritual teachers will sport their costume with such pomp and circumstance that they outshine any other light source, becoming the “one and only” path to enlightenment. 

You can keenly identify these false spiritual teachers from their brightness, their overcompensating light. They possess an excessive amount of fervor and they are unaware of their own energetic frenzy. They are blinded because the entities they are serving are attached to their energy field, making them believe they are doing good. Those entities gain life force from the people serving and believing in them. This is how the false light thrives.

These false light teachers, yes, prey upon those who have hit rock bottom, but also manifest in different forms. They are sly and adapt themselves to a person who has raised their frequency. Their objective is to lower your frequency to bring you back into their matrix: the false light battleground.

So, even though it may seem like it’s easy to step beyond the false light realm, it becomes increasingly difficult to see the seams of the costume of false light teachers and the subtleties of the false light structure in institutions. Discernment becomes increasingly imperative and must be refined.

Those on a path of spiritual awakening may believe they left this behind a long time ago, but it actually is a huge challenge for humanity as a collective to energetically cultivate the discernment and spiritual sovereignty to be able to raise their frequency above the false light realm. This is because humanity is still in a stage of worship, seeing god beyond themself. This worship may take on many forms, seeming to “evolve” into an enlightened state. As we move through consciousness we may discover that we’ve merely shifted our worship toward a different false light form. Through new belief systems, humanity still finds themselves stuck in the good vs evil dichotomy of righteousness and worship, which is the false light.

The New Age Movement

You may have seen this happen when those who wake up to some of the false light within the new age movement go running back to religion.

I want to clarify that the New Age Movement, like any belief system has its own deceptions embedded within it, but it is not like religion or established belief system structures because it is not a cohesive unit. It is a hodgepodge of different belief systems that are happening within the spirit of this age. These different belief systems don’t even agree with one another or align.

So, to say that the new age movement has an agenda or is evil in and of itself is paramount to contempt. Contempt for the contemporary. It would be like stating that the evolution or revival of ancient knowledge is part of some sort of dangerous plot without taking the time to discern. This leads to romanticizing anything prior to the contemporary, as though everything that happened before this age was pure and cohesive when the truth is that it never was pure and cohesive. All ages have required discernment of this false light.

With the new age, you see many belief systems co-existing. Belief systems that do not agree with one another. Belief systems that contradict one another.

How we navigate these varied belief systems is, again, through our own discernment. With discernment, we don’t have to run back to religion. We can differentiate between what is a new age frenzy operating from the false light. With developed discernment, we can filter the information coming through beings portraying themselves as angelic. We can see when channelers for the truth are merely demonic forces operating from the false light.

With our discernment, we hone in on true teachings that can help us integrate and reach our own spiritual sovereignty.

Spiritual Sovereignty

In the false light, you have this incredibly strong theme of worship precisely because that fragment of consciousness does not want a being to reach spiritual sovereignty. When we are in worship, we are blinded to the truth of our own power. 

Spiritual sovereignty is how we emancipate ourselves from the false light. As a spiritually sovereign being you think for yourself. You are your own authority. As a spiritual sovereign, you are not some rogue operating as an island unto yourself in the multiverse. Your sovereignty brings you into cohesion with the multiverse because you are no longer in spiritual amnesia. 

Free, we are in alignment with universal law, natural law, and the multiverse.

When we raise our frequency, we are coming into our own divinity. Rather than being “above spirit,” spiritual sovereignty means that you are in harmony with your higher nature. You are in your most natural state. A human fully and naturally expressed in their authentic individuation of source light. In this unique expression, a being is no longer operating from the false light. Enlightened, we are no longer a fragmentation of the mind and body dueling one another.

As we raise our frequency we are met with more sophisticated versions of the false light: “new level, new devil.” This devil is masquerading in a costume of light to scare us because fear lowers our frequency. It will provoke us into a state of fear to keep us from raising our frequency; to keep us in a state of feeling less than divine. It’s a way of gaslighting us into believing that we are harming people or have entered into an inverted or satanic way of being by aligning with our inner authority, our inner guidance system. 

Awakening would be to heal that internal conflict taking place. It’s to see the hall of mirrors that is showing us distortions at a collective level. We can still have a human experience where duality exists, but we no longer have spiritual amnesia happening that separates us from our oneness, the truth that we are divine. There is nothing to worship and no one to save.

Synthetic Timelines

When we sink into spiritual amnesia, separate from our oneness, all of the hallmark signatures of the false light are happening. Militant hierarchy, supreme worship, ego inserting itself: the most profane forms of concepts that could otherwise come through in their pure light form.

These profane forms, the inversion of light, create synthetic timelines. These streams of time make us believe that we are evolving and progressing when in reality, we’re headed further away from our true power. 

This happens mainly through technology. Now, technology is not evil. Technology is neutral and can greatly benefit our evolution. It can, on the other hand, greatly deteriorate our ability for evolution. When we get caught up in technological advancements being the answer to all our problems, we defer our power and become slaves to this false sense of progression. Through these synthetic timelines, we enter a degenerative state of consciousness.

In true evolution, we enter into an organic timeline where our consciousness is aligned with pure source light rather than the fragmented beams emitted from the false light.

Controlled Opposition

In the third dimension, we have the false light being played out on the largest scale through our institutions. This is called controlled opposition. It is exactly what it sounds like control of the opposition. Both sides of any paradigm are controlled and feed into the same entity: the same false light.

This can look like a dominant figure seems to have gone completely rogue, which is actually a false light imitation.

On political stages, we see this being played out through false portrayals of divine masculine energy, horribly done, might I add. 

For those with discernment, it is clear that these figures are not true divine masculine, but a mockery or inversion of divine masculine energy. A fractured light display.

How you can spot this is that they will speak some truth in order to hook people looking for the light while also bastardizing the divine masculine energy through pathological, erratic energy that overcompensates. This is an aggressive and dominant song and dance that is not aligned with healthy alpha energy. In the case of the divine masculine, those doing this song and dance give themselves away by being overly aggressive and overly confrontational.

Overly is the word to remember when looking at other stages. Overly masculine, overly timid, overly mothering, overly compassionate, etc. If you see anyone overly portraying an archetype, to the point that it feels ridiculous to those with balanced discernment, this is a false light, controlled opposition dichotomy. They’re all operating from the same place.

And, of course, there’s an aspect of “new level, new devil” within this controlled opposition dichotomy.

For people who have raised their consciousness above the institutions that are from a parasitic, false light structure there will be imposter energies that will challenge our level of discernment. 

If we have cultivated discernment, these challenges serve as an opportunity to grow into our highest evolution. Without having developed our discernment, these challenges pose an enormous block to our ability to gain true spiritual sovereignty because we get stuck in these distorted, imposter energies.

Discernment comes from experiencing and knowing what true energies look and feel like. If we knew what true divine masculine energy was, we would never fall for the imposter energies.


There’s a phenomenal piece written by two scholars that theorize the stages of awakening called “The 9 Veils Placed on Every Human Soul.” In the piece, the scholars set out to construct what they believe to be the 9 rites of passage in the evolution of consciousness. It gives an impressive and well thought out context to each veil a person must pass through in their awakening as well as the percentage of people they estimate are likely to reach each veil. However, I believe the progression of the veils is in need of revising.

At first glance the final veil seems like the natural, most logical unfolding of human consciousness, but theories don’t always transfer over to direct experience. The journey to higher states of consciousness is not cookie cutter and rarely linear; everyone starts off at different regions of this Candy Land board game, in short: we may have arrived at the 9th veil without thoroughly understanding the veils prior to it: “Piercing the ninth veil means perfecting the pure energy known as love and thereby becoming truly one with God and His/Her formulations.”

It has become easier for some to fast track their way right up to veil number 9, without ever breaching veil number 3…and that veil number 3 is oh so in need of breaching. The reality that we are all Source, the One experiencing itself as a play of many, is shockingly easier to attain than to fully comprehend that the system we were born into is set up to enslave humanity and harvest our soul energy.

We have been so thoroughly conditioned by the veil of government that we have successfully developed paradigm blindness and cannot conceptualize what reality would look like as a completely voluntary society. We have become desensitized to our enslavement and cannot see it.

To the degree that we are attached to our programming, the thought alone of our parental institutions being challenged invokes fear and hostility within us. The false sense of security these institutions offer humanity is preferred regardless of how abusive they are.

There are many people who find the coercive force of government the most pragmatic solution to an imperfect equation. So how could someone possibly be entrenched in the spiritual battlegrounds of the false light simply by believing that humans can’t be entrusted with absolute freedom and need a firm hand to rule them?

The soul becomes entrenched deeper into the false light matrix the more it empowers its institutions of control. Expecting to evolve out of an unconscious reflection of reality without going through the necessary growth and stages of unprogramming that evolutionary process requires, only further compounds us into the version of reality we are trying to free ourselves from until we learn the lessons it’s trying to teach us.

It doesn’t matter if a person truly just wants to help humanity become conscious and ascend, as long as they are supporting the false light’s biggest generator of turmoil, violence, trauma, power, subservience, and deceit, then they are supporting the energetic contracts enslaving humanity.

The more a person is aligned with consciousness, the more order and coherency is created in reality, thus the higher an individual’s frequency elevates. Order is an intrinsic quality of consciousness. Inversely, the less conscious one remains, the lower their frequency, and therefore the less of an ability to rule over themselves.⁣⁣ This is why there is an enormous amount of energy invested into obscuring the field of reality through controlled opposition and counterintelligence groups portraying themselves as grass roots movements of every kind.

What to Watch Out For

The false light wants to align us with synthetic versions of our future versus organic timelines where humanity actually evolves and we integrate our higher consciousness into our human form.

With the false light, there’s always this imitation force that masquerades as a genuine, organic force. This imitation force keeps us in a lower state of consciousness by rerouting us back into the matrix of false light. It is possible to find yourself on a cyclical timeline of raising consciousness into one of these false light traps only to begin all over again.

If we aren’t able to discern an organic and genuine force of any concept from a synthetic and imitative force, then we’re going to confuse the two, continuing to recycle back into the false light. This is because the false light operates differently at every level.

Those who raise their consciousness above the false light are still not immune to it. Once we have broken out of the frequency of the false light, the false light morphs into a form that does not look the same as we once experienced it. 

We can become blinded by the light! The false light will often be so bright, so boastful that it pierces the eyes in a way that nothing else is visible, we can only see the false light.

Organic light sources are bright, but they do not create a tunnel vision of light. They illuminate everything and allow us to see all truth from every angle.

The false light will take a being into two different polarities. Either a person will align with a state of extreme weakness, needing an outside source of divinity to save or guide them, or they will become hyper-righteous, aggressive, and dominating in their dogma.

In its most physical form, the false light manifests as parasitic institutions that try to keep humanity from evolving by telling us that they are controlling us for our own good. These institutions impose their belief systems as trying to save us from ourselves. They keep humanity locked within a certain bandwidth of frequency that we can call the slave frequency. It is a frequency of disempowerment, a frequency that resonates as well with our doom imprint. This frequency sustains itself by injecting fear and confusion into the masses.

In its lowest expression, the false light recycles our soul essence, feeding us back into negative creation.

Overcoming the False Light

This sounds bleak because it is. Earth is referred to as the master class for only the bravest souls to come and traverse. It is here that we are able to transmute the densest and darkest energies into the highest form of light. It is here that we reconcile and harmonize all the different aspects of mind and source consciousness.

These themes of good vs evil and a need to be saved are replete in the third-dimensional experience. They can act as a barrier to our evolution, but we have the ability to develop our discernment to achieve spiritual sovereignty. As we do so, these challenges to our divinity and our sovereignty no longer act as barriers, but rather the rite of passage we must each go through on our spiritual awakening journey as individuals and as a collective humanity. As each individual overcomes the false light, our entire consciousness can also surpass the tribulations of the false light in order to create a masterful version of our reality.


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