The Doom Imprint

The Doom Imprint

One of the biggest blocks within the spirit of this age is the healing of our doom imprint. Understanding what a doom imprint is as well as learning how to integrate it is vital knowledge that will help you during your spiritual awakening.

The doom imprint is an energetic imprint that carries memory of catastrophic events we experienced in past lives, ancestral lineage, and as the collective unconscious. This imprint holds us back in the belief that we are merely human, powerless, and subject to the whims of disaster, destruction, and universal powers beyond our control. This sense of stark doom is recorded in the Akashic record, and it is carried on from lifetime to lifetime.

We know that our body is affected by our emotions. The doom imprint goes deeper into metaphysical, cellular memory. The distortions that a doom imprint holds are embedded within the cells as cellular memory or debris. This debris is different from the natural waste that is shed from a cell's lifespan because this debris doesn’t come from this lifespan. The doom imprint goes deeper into physical, psychic, and pneumatic layers. It is an accumulation of unreleased emotions as well as shock, paralysis, and fragmentation of our whole self. Natural disasters, torture, off-planet tragedies, war; distorted the life force and its expression in our etheric template. 

A doom imprint is entirely karmic in nature

It does not exist in the clean slate and openness of Dharma. A doom imprint is a recorded memory of every time there was a vibratory drop from trauma that resulted in a regression from consciousness into unconsciousness. This fragmentation of the body, mind, spirit complex created an unconscious denial of personal power. This is an innocent byproduct of having been exposed to these catastrophic events that couldn’t be processed by the body, mind, spirit complex of our being experiencing them. 

During that fragmentation process, we lost our will. Having experienced forces that oppressed, tortured, or removed our freedom, we became imprinted with karmic learned helplessness. In past lives or other dimensions, we may have done everything in our power to stay small to avoid the wrath of a greater being. Exercising our will and seeking our desires was dangerous. We gave up our will to serve and please these external forces to survive. The doom imprint carries within it crippled willpower. A completely defeated and fearful will. It’s the fear that any move one makes will attract an external force that brings upon them catastrophe and hopelessness. 

Our willpower is meant to inform our higher mind, our intuition. Without our willpower, our intuition becomes dormant. Healthy intuition is connected to healthy willpower. Our willpower is how we draw in experiences we wish to have and ones that we also wish to resolve. In a state of disempowered will, we lack the inertia to exist in our fullest expression. We exist as half our self. 

You can recognize this as a state of purposelessness or even a sense of “What is the point of this life?” It may also show up as states of extreme anxiety, scrambling to please a higher power.

In our current life, we experience all of this powerlessness as limiting beliefs. “I lack the resources or talent to change my life.” “I am a victim of circumstances.” “My life is subject to the whims of fate.” It is the belief that we are mere humans and that our existence is limited to this physical reality. 

In its most simple form, the doom imprint is victim mentality. A complete state of hopeless powerlessness to the perpetrator, which could be another person, being, entity, force, event, enslavement, domination, and more that leaves one feeling without their divine power, disconnected from their true nature as a powerful, creator being. Without our power, we spend our existence in avoidance or fear of the wrath of a higher power. We subjugate ourselves to the illusion of our separateness.

The heart of the doom imprint is the belief that we are powerless in the face of external forces. Unless this belief is overturned, we continue to operate from the doom imprint. It remains an unconscious subroutine that holds us back from awakening.

Becoming conscious of these subroutines is how we begin to heal the doom imprint. We become a challenger to the beliefs that deny our true power.

It’s important during this process to be aware that because the doom imprint is so deeply embedded in our karmic energy, it can be activated simply by increasing our awareness. As awareness rises, overwhelm can set in. The daunting task of healing, or merely becoming aware of all that needs to be healed activates our sense of powerlessness. The doom imprint is activated as we become aware of the challenges of this age, our own karma that needs to be healed, or anything else that the unconscious mind avoids facing. 

Conversely, a state of unconsciousness may be more peaceful because one may not be so viscerally aware of the doom imprint. This state of unconsciousness allows a person to stay safe from having to confront the layers of psychological barriers one would need to overcome in order to heal. This can seem appealing to the ego in comparison to the karmic roller coaster we get on when we begin to raise our awareness and activate the doom imprint.

However, having the doom imprint activated is not itself a sentence of doom.

Being in this human experience is a sign that we are ready to overcome the doom imprint and overcome the cycle of powerlessness that comes from these deeper memories of past trauma. By choosing this human experience, we are saying that we want to reclaim our power. In our human form, we are allowing ourselves the most vulnerable experience, vulnerability that allows us to experience the full range of emotions. 

As the doom imprint is activated by our visceral, human experience, we have the opportunity to examine the information that the doom imprint holds, embrace it, integrate it, and move past the blocks holding us back from being in our fully empowered state. 

We overcome that imprint through vulnerability, through not just becoming aware of our limiting beliefs but opening our hearts to understand the origins of these patterns as well as embracing our divine power that we have denied. We have to own our denial of our power to rewrite the story of powerlessness into one of awakened empowerment. 

The doom imprint is a fragmentation of the truth that you are a creative life force being. When faced with feelings of disempowerment, we can consciously examine those feelings; first, tapping into thoughts and feelings of disempowerment, then tracing them back to their roots as a doom imprint, and finally embracing the very thing that we were denying, our power. This raises our frequency, moving us from a reality as a victim to being a creator of reality.

We can also overcome the doom imprint and awaken our intuition by tapping into our creativity. We tap into our intuition and willpower when we express ourselves through creativity. Not only express ourselves but express ourselves as genuinely as possible through whatever medium calls us. One person may feel to express creativity through dance, another through song, one may find creative expression in growing a garden or chemistry. There are so many ways that we can create, and tapping into that limitless possibility cracks open the truths of our limitless potential as creative beings.

When we create, we breathe life into our willpower. The doom imprint is essentially breathless. When we activate our willpower through creativity, we give our will the essential breath that it needs to thrive.

Yes, bad things might happen to you and the world around you, but you are not powerless in these events. Healing the doom imprint leads to spiritual and bodily sovereignty, so that, even if the world were crumbling around you, you are able to maintain the connection to your powerful truth. In this healing, your frequency raises and sends out new signals to the universe and the immediate world around you that you are no longer subject to external forces. You have now become a force to be reckoned with.


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