Why People Fear Spirituality
Sarah Elkhaldy Sarah Elkhaldy

Why People Fear Spirituality

“Why am I all of a sudden scared of spirituality lol.” This is one of the questions I received and a very relevant question as many people are currently at an intersection regarding their own spiritual evolution.

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The Higher Self
Sarah Elkhaldy Sarah Elkhaldy

The Higher Self

One of the most common questions I get asked about is on the topic of the Higher Self. It’s a familiar yet elusive concept that can mean a range of things. This role has even gone by different names in esoteric terminology, so even though the title Higher Self is how we have come to know this aspect of our being, it has also been regarded in mysticism as the Atman, Monad, and Buddhi.

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The Ineffable
Sarah Elkhaldy Sarah Elkhaldy

The Ineffable

By now many of those on the evolutionary pathway understand the concept of a universal creator to be neither exclusively masculine nor exclusively feminine, but rather an energy field currently exploring itself through the construct of light.

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The Physical Body’s Role in Ascension
Sarah Elkhaldy Sarah Elkhaldy

The Physical Body’s Role in Ascension

Many of us have had an aversion or difficult time acclimating to third dimensional life, which is manifested in one form or another as dis-ease. There are positive aspects to the state of illness that aren’t easily recognized due to the sheer amount of pain that illness comes with.

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