Manifesting Your Soul’s Purpose

how to find your purpose

During a spiritual awakening the most central theme that a being gravitates towards is their purpose especially at a soul level so today I’m going to be talking about what our purpose is, what purpose is, as well as what each being on Earth's purpose is at this time.

Purpose isn't as clear-cut as many of us wish that it were when we're dealing with this type of concept because it's multi-faceted so there's a lot of different angles that we look at when we're talking about purpose. For instance, if we were to zoom all the way out and look at purpose from its largest and broadest perspective we would see purpose differently than when it's zoomed in and so purpose has layers to it and the broadest angle or view that we would look at purpose from is as our Creator Being essence because at our very core, we are creator beings and so purpose from that level would be to explore our creation from our creator beingness. From a more zoomed in layer, purpose would start getting more technical, and then from each layer the more we zoom in it would become more detailed or more pixelated if you will. Since we are all the creator and the creation simultaneously interacting and corresponding with one another we need some sort of way to engage and interact with our exploration directly and that's through purpose.

So we create a purpose for ourselves in order to inject ourselves into the creation. Another way of saying this is purpose is the medium that we use in order to engage with our own creation. Now mind you all of this is taking place at the broadest, most zoomed out level so we're not going to always be in touch with this truth, but as we zoom in more we notice that purpose is still abstract but it starts becoming more substantial. So purpose will take on an overarching theme that we lay out beforehand for our life and what that overarching theme will be will have something to do with what facet, or what aspect of the landscape our soul wants to focus on, or zoom in on. As you can imagine the purpose that we set for our soul in one life will be different than what we set for ourselves in another life, they're not always going to reflect the same Soul purpose even though at the largest and broadest viewpoint they will all reflect the fact that we are creator beings exploring our creation.

Because reality is multifaceted reality can multitask. Meaning that we're not just going to have one single purpose even though we might have a very dominant Soul purpose. We especially yearn to know our Soul's purpose when we feel directionless during a spiritual awakening, because the nature of spiritual awakenings can be so overwhelming a lot of times we wish we could just cut to the chase and know exactly what our purpose is and we feel that if we know that then we will be set on the right path and have direction that will allow us to avoid feeling lost, confused, or directionless. But purpose isn't that detail-oriented, so purpose can't let us off the hook. For instance, we might want our Higher Self to just tell us what our purpose is, or for someone else to just tell us what our purpose is so that then we know exactly what to do, and what we want to hear is something very detailed.

A great example of this is: we want someone or our higher self to just tell us that our purpose is to start an organic skincare line. Do you see how detailed that is? Do you see how that absolutely takes all of our free will out of the equation if we were just meant beforehand to come into this reality and to get to the point where we realized that we're supposed to start an organic skincare line and then we just follow suit with that? Rather than it being so detailed, what purpose is is some sort of soul expression that then gets conveyed through whatever creative outlet that we use at whatever time so really what we think is our purpose is actually the creative outlets that we choose with our own free will to utilize in order to express our purpose. So an organic skin care line might genuinely be how somebody expresses their Soul's purpose, but their soul purpose at that level would be to help create a lot of awareness, or consciousness within the collective and they're doing that by creating conscious products to help infuse into the collective's consciousness. So you see how this is just an outlet-a creative outlet-that is being used in order to express the higher purpose and yet it's not the purpose in and of itself.

We confuse our creative outlets for our purpose and this is why we feel so disconnected from purpose in the first place. It's because we think that it's so specific that we need to follow a certain path and we're going to screw it up if we don't do exactly that thing we were sent here to do, and if we don't get that right. Before this life, many beings set a soul purpose for them to come into this reality and be the walking, breathing, embodiment of what consciousness looks like whether it's in a male form, whether it's in a female form, or whether they're holding space for both energies in once in whatever form that they came in with, and at a soul level, that is what purpose would look like in the most defined terms of what we call purpose. Purpose is some overarching theme that is broad, but at the same time not so broad that it's too vague to comprehend, it's comprehensible to be able to understand that at a soul level we wanted to come in and be the healthy and aligned version of what these energies would look like. So from one layer, or from one facet we zoom in on, that's what many of our purpose is in this life. But remember, it's multi-faceted so we're only talking about one layer right now and that's for many of us to hold the template and be the embodiment of what the divine feminine looks like and what the divine masculine looks like since we have only experienced this enemies in their wounded form on Earth.

Many people's purpose at this time is to also be the embodiment of the harmony between the masculine and feminine energies within the individual. When we zoom in another layer into this reality, what we're going to find is that at the Soul level purpose at this level is going to be expressed as needing to reclaim whatever aspects of our energy field had priorly been lost or excluded from the totality of our soul. At this level of reality, this is where healing becomes a dominant theme in our journey. Another one of the most general layers of purpose that several beings have at this time is the purpose to raise the collective consciousness on this planet. Once again, do you see how raising the collective consciousness of this planet is a purpose and yet it's not detailed at all? That's because it's up to our own free will and our own creative essence to convey that purpose, that dominant theme in whatever way that we feel called to. It can be through art, it can be through activism, it can be through our spiritual practices, it can be through our job, it doesn't have to be related to our job at all though, it can be through our hobbies, it can be through what excites us, it could also be through what pisses us off and enrages us. All of these different things can be what guides us into expressing our purpose through whatever outlets we have available to us, or that we create ourselves.

A lot of awakening individuals are going to also be very called and compelled into creating new outlets and new platforms that once were not available, or did not exist in order for us to express purpose through new facets because we are creating new systems of being that are meant to replace the outdated, and old systems of being. So some people are going to be very called into creating these new platforms or these new channels and what that's really doing is generating more outlets of expression for purpose to take form through. And all of this still falls under the layer of reality that has to do with wanting to raise the collective consciousness here on Earth.

Now the aspect of purpose that every being on Earth shares is that they want their power. Whether they know it or not, whether they subconsciously are attuned to this or not every being wants to reclaim their power. But especially if you are going through a spiritual awakening will you want to reclaim your power, because a spiritual awakening has to do with awakening to our spiritual sovereignty, we are all sovereigns and this is one of the deepest levels of truth that we access on our spiritual awakening journey. Knowing in our very core that we are sovereign, free will, creators, naturally we want to be in our power and step into our power. Even though everyone on Earth shares the purpose of being in their power, it's very important for people going through a spiritual awakening to be in connection and conscious of this truth, because it's going to release so much shame and it's going to release so many barriers or limitations that we accidentally placed on ourselves regarding how to express our purpose. There is no being that this does not apply to. Every single being going through a spiritual awakening wants to reclaim their power and they're doing that mainly through their intuitive abilities. This is why so many people on a spiritual awakening journey want to activate their dormant gifts, it's because all of our dormant gifts, our psychic abilities are a way of us to reclaim our power.

On a soul level we innately recognize and know that being separate from our psychic abilities is somehow being separate from our power and this is what we want to embody and what we secretly yearn for. It's absolutely fine that people feel disconnected from their Higher Self and disconnected from their psychic abilities, or even disconnected from their power but where there’s a lot of confusion is when we think that it’s wrong or that we think that we're not supposed to be feeling that way and that is just completely not true.

On a spiritual awakening journey, you're going to naturally want to reclaim your power and it's going to be mainly in the form of our connection to our Higher Self, our knowing, and our psychic abilities and all of the things that we subconsciously understand is what power means to us. But why does this mean power to us? Why do we interpret this as power? It's because that's what will make us sovereign and we truly yearn for our power, because we truly yearn for our sovereignty. We want to be able to agree with someone, or disagree with someone in our own authority in our own core not because we're dependent, or reliant on others and being able to be in our sovereignty will allow us to come from a space where we're not afraid of infinity, or dependent on others—we're not directionless—we don't feel lost. We can even feel comfortable in the not knowing IF we know that we’re not supposed to know at that time THATS the paradox of how powerful it is to be in our power and yet not necessarily need to know everything!

Our power is so central and so innate to our purpose because ultimately that's what's going to give us the experience of true liberation and true freedom. Because of this, the universe supports us in our power. It wants to see us in our own sovereignty, but the journey to get there is going to take one of healing and the reason why is because healing is what facilitates our ability to truly be ourselves. It's not because we're broken and we need to fix it to be ourselves, it's because through the journey and the medium of healing, we actually become more of ourselves. And when we are more of ourselves, we are more sovereign. So it really has to do with being ourselves.

If being ourselves is the end result, then from all of the different facets that purpose is perceived through they can all be summed up as our purpose is to be ourselves. So being ourselves, is being sovereign, is being free, is having power. And just by being yourself and being sovereign, you're going to raise the collective consciousness of this planet. So all of the layers of purpose get addressed through this. I hope this has awakened your soul's purpose.

 © 2022 Sarah Elkhaldy


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